Councilman To Host Jail Forum Tonight With Special Guest


VIGO COUNTY, Ind – Tonight (5/23/19) a special meeting will be held at the Vigo County Public Library hosted by Vigo County Councilman Chris Switzer.

Switzer maintains that Vigo County can build a less expensive multi-story jail on the current government campus.

Featured speaker at the meeting will be Saginaw County, Michigan Sheriff William Federspiel.

Saginaw County, Michigan Sheriff William Federspiel.

Switzer says that Saginaw County has many similarities to Vigo County and is building a 511 bed jail for a total cost of $39 million which is about $26 million less than the proposed Vigo County Jail. Vigo County plans call for approximately 500 beds at a cost of about $64 million.

He also says that the larger Michigan jail requires less than half of the staff of the proposed Vigo County Jail.

The meeting and presentation at the Vigo County Library begins at 6 PM.