Indiana Just One Of The Sites For Planned Parenthood “Stop The Bans” Rallies


INDIANAPOLIS – Indy is part of a national chain of protests against abortion bans passed in Alabama, Missouri, and other states:

Planned Parenthood organized more than 400 “Stop the Bans” protests across the country. In Indy, about 300 people gathered outside the statehouse to denounce efforts to limit abortion. That includes Indiana, where legislators bottled up a bill to outlaw abortion, but passed a ban on a second-trimester abortion method. A-C-L-U Indiana director Jane Henegar warns the stricter bans are “around the corner” if the Alabama law is upheld.

I-U Health pediatrician Tracey Wilkinson declares bans wouldn’t eliminate abortion — only safe abortions. She argues the “pro-life” label would be better applied to universal preschool, Medicaid expansion, and gun control.

Protesters booed mention of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a potential tipping-point vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. And speakers urged a flood of phone calls to Governor Holcomb, House Speaker Brian Bosma, and other state leaders. But the loudest boos greeted mention of Holcomb’s predecessor, Vice President Pence. Henegar ignored President Trump entirely in charging the “Pence Administration” has declared war on abortion and urging ralliers to enlist in the fight to defend it. She says abortion should be treated the same as any other health procedure — and notes that until and unless Roe is overturned, it remains a legal right in all 50 states.